Before I comment the film “Do the right thing”, I have to intro some detail which I checked from internet. This is a American film directed and written by Spike Lee in 1989. His’s movies have always told race relations and discrimination. “Do the right thing”told us not only about the life between black people and white people, but also show us the environment of neighbourhood blacks. We can clearly understand what is the habits and customs they lived with and what is conflict among different race people.
If you are not a American such as me a chinese, it is very difficult to understand what is exactly black man’s position in American society. The main character: Mookie is pizza delivery in a local Italian pizzeria, who also lived with his sister, he is a funny boy, I think he is the important connection with his boss to the neighbourhood blacks, we can find many phenomenon of black people in his life. His girlfrend Tina,is a very young and cute girl who take cares of his toddler son, sometimes maybe a little bit impatience. And one of his firend Buggin' Out, is a very difficult to understand what he always to explain his needs and supports. He also is on a political crusade to force Sal to put pictures of black men on his "American Italian Wall." Another, Radio Raheem, spends the day wandering around the neighborhood playing music and we can hear “fight to power” in a lots of time, this guy give people a feeling that he is a addict about music and walking alone. Other residents we impressed include Da Mayor, is constantly trying to win both the approval and affection of the neighborhood matron, Mother-Sister. And the rest of such kind of neighbour like, Korean couple, who running a grocer. A tongue tie guy, who is also a caucasian. A local DJ, humourous and fast speaking at first part of scene. And so on..
Most of scene focus on his relationship with his boss, Salvatore "Sal", the pizzeria’s Italian-American owner, I think his temper is a little depress. He is running the pizzeria with his two sons. There is many scenes show up the argument among Italian and blacks.The whole moive just try to tell us the the racial contempt in neighbourhood blacks. primarly, the problem happened in the pizzeria.
The neighbourhood blacks is little bit messy and noisy, which you can see naughty child playing hydrant because of quench hot summer. These chirdren will give audience image that is they are such kind of underbred kids, too crude and too impolite. In some scenes, you even can see a older black man pees on the wall of the street. These kids seem need to be taught by their parents or they should to do other thing that is more meaningful.
There is a very impressed scene in the middle of the film that is a “antique car” was poured by the water from the hydrant. Obviously, it is a big joke and lampoo in the film. Every one will laugh a lot not only the driver is so awkward, but also these kids are so funny. On the other hand, there are many bad language is full of the whole moive. Even the parents are teaching their children, they still will use these bad and vulgar language. These thingslet me think that they are wild guys, they seem didn’t take good education before.
Buggin' Out is another important role in this film, seem he has nothing to do, have fun with people. he questions Sal about the "Wall of Fame" and demands he place some pictures of black celebrities on the wall. I don’t know why he has to make such kind of problem to Sal, maybe he doesn’t like him. And this a one of several reasons why Sal will be piss off. But Buggin' Out give his a reason why he want to do so, because Sal's pizzeria is situated in a black neighborhood and sells pizza to black people, Sal replies several times that it is his store, he is proud of his Italian heritage, obviously, Sal is a traditional shop manager, and that he doesn't have to feature anyone but Italians on his wall. his son even got big angry, but Buggin' Out still insist on his idea and no one support him until Radio Raheem come up.
Da Mayor is a different in the film. I think he is so gentle and brave, since he save a kid’s life from a car, but he didn’t show up what kind of hero he is. He teach these kids by his own way. Maybe he has many defects such as drunk, but that not change my mind that he is my favourite person in this film. Maybe people think he is too old to deal with thing happening beside him, but He knows how to comfort people and inspiration.
From affection of the neighborhood matron, Mother-Sister. We can also feel that he is a romantic and kind character. He bought flowers for the Mother-Sister, give more soothe to her. At the last part of film, he is the key man to calm everybody down.
The summit of the stroy is happened at last part of the film when Sal broken the Radio Raheem’s radio and Buggin' Out cannot stop annoying to Sal about his "Wall of Fame". Sal just like a volcanic explosion finally and clinching with Radio Raheem. Even his sons and other lookers also join the fight. Sal’s familiy think they picking a hole in and blacks think these Italian are discriminateing the right of them. Until cops come, still can stop such kind of slapstick. On the contrary, the tragedy just happened, Radio Raheem dead because the chaos situation cause many mistakes.
I think the reason why everything happened because of angry, people in this film whatever blacks or caucasian they just can’t use a peace way to treat these problems. It’s just a personal conflict but they make all these problems become to racial one. Most of thing can be avioded include Radio Raheem’s death.
To sum up, it is really good story about this film, not only reflect the problems in neighbourhood blacks, but show ue a lot of scenes about the local custom. After we finish this film, the problem we have to think about: who is the victim in the film? Balck man? White man?
I think everyone is the victim in this film, someone lose his shop, someone even lose life. Nothing is right or wrong in the film. It is not just a social problem in American, we should consider much more about hunman’s nature. Shall we adjust ourself for living the society or we can change the society for us. I think the biggest mistake that people made is they never to do introspection and blaming all problmes what caused to others.
If I have to describe the feeling of this film, I have to say this a comedy with several unfortunate things. If you laugh a lot from first parts but will lets people think more in the end of film. The characters performed in the film are so realistic, which can help audience understand exactly what is the main problem in American society.
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