Kill bill
It’s coming on 16 October 2003. This film direct by Quentin Tarantino. He is director and writer director together. He got idea from Yakuza , samurai and cowboy to make this movie. Kill bill has running time 111 minutes. He has budget $30 million[3] to make this movie. He has revenue US$180.9 million. This movie has 2 parts but today I want to talk about only part one.
This movie told about America the Bride, who want to revenge people. They try to kill her in wedding ceremony by shoots her in the side of her head but she didn’t die. However she has to sleep in hospital about 4 year. When she wake up she got really bad news, she lost her children but in the end of movie bill say her child is alive. That why she really wants to kill everyone who make her be like this. She escapes from the hospital by steal Buck’s truck who wants to play with her body. After kill him, she take his key truck. However she sleeps in the hospital long time so she can’t move her legs and her toes (but why she can use her hand really well?)
She use 13 hour for practice in the buck’s truck. After that she can move normally.she travels to Okinawa to obtain sword from Hattori Hanzo who is sushi chef. After she gets the sword next thing she is going to do. She travels to Tokyo. She confronts with O-Ren Ishii at a restaurant named The House of Blue Leaves in. This part of movie is end after the bride can kill O-Ren.
Character in the movie
The Bride
The Bride ( Uma Thurman ) is be leading actress. These movies it makes her look like she want to kill everyone who knows with her by her sword. This part is not told about her history so much but we can know from her behavior in this film. First thing she can use sword really well, it can tell maybe she had a lot of experience about sword. Maybe she ever studies how to use sword from somewhere.
She got her sword from Hattori Hanzo in Okinawa, Japan. While she travels we can know something that different from real world.
In this movie you can take your sword to plane. First time I
think is strange but you can see it not only her who take sword to travel by plane. So, this movie you will see almost of character take their sword all time more than take a gun.
She writes what she wants to do in her book like children. Why she do like that. She worry she will forget what she want to do? Or Her brain has a problem.
Deadly Viper Assassination Squad
Deadly Viper Assassination Squad ( Vivica A. Fox) She is one of assassin of who try to kill the bride. After this event she ran away from this her job. She married and has 1 daughter with her husband. This movie didn’t tell about her husband so much. She is first one who killed by the bride. I like her eye when she want to hidden what happen when her daughter back from school. She plead the bride because she don’t want her daughter know what happen with her mum but in my opinion, if you are be that child. You see your mum with someone who never seems before and your mum has wound all body. Can you imagine what happen with your mum? Of cause yes I can.
O-Ren Ishii ( Lucy Liu ) she is leader Yakuza in Japan. She is not real Japan people and she can’t speak Japan
language but she can be Yakuza leader in Japan because she will kill everyone who doesn’t agree with her. She has her army (The Crazy 88) this gang is make by people 88 person. Almost person in the crazy88 will be wear black mask. Except, O-Ren's lawyer,
Sofie Fatale (Julie Dreyfus ) and her personal bodyguard .Sofie is a best friend of O-Ren and she is lawyer and translator when O-Ren want to speak with the other Japan people. Gogo Yubari ( Chiaki Kuriyama ).Gogo Yubari she is 17 year old. She looks like normal student but she like to kill people. This movie makes me understand like this because she looks happy when her weapon can make enem
y hurt. For the other person in crazy88 are really feeble. They just shout noise and run around restaurant. When does
the bride move her sword. It will have someone in this group die or lost their hand or some part of their body. It look like the bride sword can easy to cut everything like a jelly. For O-Ren Ishii, this movie introduces her history by long
animation sequence. It good idea to make this movie like this because you can make some detail in animation better than make by normal film. When she is young O-ren family is killed by Yakuza. She can escape from Yakuza by hidden her body under a bad and look Yakuza kill her father and her mother. When she 11 year old she can revenge the person who kill her family. I think she try to find a way to kill same when yakuza kill her mum and her dad. This movie didn’t tell why she is will be killer. Maybe after she can revenge, she found she like to kill people? Or she will be killer because she wants money. In this movie she killed by the bride sword. I think something before O-Ren will die
she say about the sword “it is sword from Hattori Hanzo “. What wrong, If the bride sword is not sword from Hattori Hanzo Can she kill O-Ren. This movie is try to show the sword of Hattori Hanzo is better than other sword. If you have not Hattori Hanzo sword you can’t fights with the bride.
He is like a leader of assassin and he is father of child in the bride stomach. This part of movie didn’t show detail about him so much, we can see only his hand and listen his sound from the telephone. I don’t
understand. While, he try to kill her when the bride want to marry but why he dissuade his subordinate to kill her in the hospital, while she sleep like a corpse. Or he want to kill her by himself. He say like the bride should has chance to revenge everyone who make her be like that. Maybe Bill disappointed with the bride because she will marry with the other guy. So, he go to that event and trigger his gun shoot at her head and He accept a mistake after he do. So, that why he did not kill the bride in the hospital.
Hattori Hanzo (Sonny Chiba) He is a renowned sword smith who has retired his life to be a sushi chef. It good idea that change from person who make swor
d to kill people to be person who make knife for slice a fish. This name is really popular in Japan movie. If you watch Japan movie that has ninja you will see this name it that movie. He has ever known with bill before. He want bill die that why he give his sword to the bride. Harrori Hanzo is ever being teacher of Bill. This story didn’t tell why he want
bill to die.
Elle Driver
Elle Driver or code name California mountain snake. She tries to kill the bride in the hospital by w
ear nurse suit and coming to the bride room but bill is break her before.
Other people in the movie
I have something funny in my idea. The police who is first person to meet the brief in the temple. They ware suit but he use cowboy hat. I think is not match wi
th their suit. In my country the movie like this movie it will be fit for only person who older than 18 year old. And some woman can’t watch this movie until end movie because it looks brutally so much for her.
Music in the movie
¼ % in this movie it will be sound effect while they have fighting. So this movie hasn’t music so much. Director chooses to use popular music and pop culture to be reference. Music in this movie is make movie look like in former times and it will have sound like alarm when the movie is exciting. This movie has the brief sound to explain about the story and sound someone teach her something in the beginning of movie and in the end.
I don’t understand everything in this movie. Why the bride is
not die when bullet pass her head. Why they don’t use gun but use sword to kill together. Why some scene in this movie it change to black and white color. However this movie is one of my favorite. Sometime I don’t want to understand everything in the movie, I just want to watch good action from the movie. This movie can mix two country between America and Japan really good. this movie has good camera view. Some movie camera is move so fast you will not see anything until they fighting is end.
Something that I think is bad. Font in this movie is terrible. It easy to read but it look bad. And in this movie you will not see any police in Japan. Why ? it hasn’t law or hasn’t police in Japan?
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