The compare and contrast the different techniques used in Kill bill 1 and Lost in translation
Kill bill 1 and Lost in translation have used many different techniques such as narrative voice, scene setting, special effect, sound effect, editing techniques, and camera angle techniques. I found these two movies are interesting because the films have state Japan in totally different way. These two movie have set in Japan but in my point of view I think the setting of the scene makes these two movies present Japan in a different way. I think Kill bill have used various techniques in the film which make it very successful. Lost in translation characters have show the feeling of the movie, I think Characters is the main part which make this film successful.

Kill bill 1 is first person narrative voice but Lost in translation narrative voice is eye of god. The narrative voice in Kill bill start with the bride voice telling her story in the pass and continue telling more about her story in between the film and some part of kill bill use eye of god technique as well. Lost in translation narrative voice show us everything from the beginning of the film until the end of the film.

The scene set techniques is quite difference in these two movies whether these two movie have scene setting in Japan. Kill bill scene setting is not base on reality because you can tell from how passenger could bring sword on a plane is normal while Lost in translation setting is base on reality as the setting show Japanese people everyday life. Kill bill setting is easy to tell that it’s in 70s because of music in the Japanese restaurant is old songs and how people dress in kimono when Lost in translation setting is in a present because the setting shows a modern lifestyle and how Japanese people dress in these day such as there is a scene setting in a game section showing Japanese teenager wearing cross play dress. Kill bill scene setting is more preventative of Japan couture and traditional you can tell from the scene in Japan while Oren-Ishi had a meeting with Yakusa could be shown as a dark side of Japan couture. Lost in translation preventative of a modern Japan daily life in each scene show Japanese modern lift like in Karaoke, Game center, people wearing suit to work .Color techniques in kill bill scene have chosen bright various color you can tell with the costume and scene asset, Uma Thurman wearing bright yellow top and pants during the fight scene and the pussy wagon as a bright color scene asset where normally one film will have one theme color but Quentin Tarantino chose different bright color in his film to make each scene look more interesting. Kill bill 1, in my opinion I think the setting doesn’t need to be set in Japan because there is not much scene that couldn’t set in a studio.

Special effect in these two films is totally difference because it is completely difference genre Lost in translation is romantic and Kill bill is Violence. Lost in translation didn’t have any special effect at all because romantic film not normally use special effect while kill bill have used many special effect. Kill bill bloody scene, there are lots of fake blood splash everywhere after the bride cut parts of her enemies off with her samurai sword and This scene clearly show that the blood is fake because the blood color is brighter that real blood and if a real person have bleeding that much he/she properly dead very quick. In the first scene Uma Thurman covered in blood and her eyes turn purple and she got lots of cuts on her face these are make-up techniuqes. There is a scene that is too much blood so that Quentin Tarantino use black and white scene to fade out the violence however it makes the film more interesting. Kill bill 1 also use a 2d animation in while telling about O-ren Ishi story in the past which is very difference from other film. The 2d animation part makes the scene more and more interesting with the camera angle which impossible to have in normal scene. After Kill bill 1 have released there is some movie have used 2d animation in there film such as Sim City.
Sound effect in Lost in translation and kill bill is very difference. Kill bill have used various random sound effect in each scene to express the motion of the character in each scene whole Lost in translation use a simple sound effect to continue the story. Background music in kill bill used random music from difference ages from the beginning until the end of the story while Lost in translation use music background in some scene the express the motion of characters in that scene.

Editing Techniques used in Lost in translation is quite simple the story runs forward until the end and we could understand the whole story while Kill bill have lots of editing. Kill bill editing techniques used Flash back, separate the film with chapters, and use slings. In kill bill there is a few part which showing flash back to what happen the bride in the past, In each scene can clearly tells that it is flash back because of narrative voice. In Kill bill 1 the whole story had separated in Chapters and each chapter have a title. The scene where Uma Thurman fighting in a Japanese restaurant with the crazy 88, Sling help her jump very high and jump from place to place in that scene.
Camera view Techniques in Kill bill have used many difference camera view in each scene, There is a scene where the bride was knock down on the floor and the camera view from the bottom to the top the show Bill and his killers staring at the bride to show how powerful they are. Lost in translation have used close-up, medium shot, long shot which is normal camera view.
In conclusion, Kill bill 1 and Lost in translation are mostly different even they have scene setting in Japan but in these two movie have show different period of time and good side and bad side of Japan. Kill bill have used more Techniques in scenes more than Lost in translation because Lost in translation story is base on everyday real life which make us believe that it could happen for real but Kill bill 1 genre is Violence and sub genre could be revenge which used various techniques. Kill bill is not base on reality so it could used any kind of techniques to make movie more interesting. Quentin Tarantino have chosen very exciting music background and sound effect in kill bill 1, lots of random music that I haven’t heard of and random sound effect which not normally use in these day film. However I think Lost in translation a meaningful movie which expresses emotion of the character with camera techniques used event Lost in translation didn’t used much techniques but the scene setting and camera view allow me to think along following the story.
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