Section One
Question 1:
What features of this film clearly result from who directed it?
Sofia Coppola, born May 14, 1971,New York City, USA. Daughter of director Francis Ford Coppola and Eleanor Coppola. She became the first American woman ever nominated for Best Director Oscar. < http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001068/bio
In the beginning of the movie, music is softening throughout the following scenes. The music carries out glumness and how bad it can be. Dark Messages which is one of the less musically involving pieces, but for this kind of setting the most effective. In it a repeating electronic beat is occasionally splashed with the paint of what sounds like pianos floating in the air.< http://www.sputnikmusic.com/album.php?albumid=13193>
After directed the <<>>,1999, Sofia Coppola directed another movie which called <<>> 2003, and she won the Academy Award for her original screen-play and three Golden Globe Awards including Best Picture. < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sofia_Coppola >
In the beginning of the <
In the first scene, MR Lisbon’s daughter Lux stands there eating her ice block , and looks hopeless, careless, then following it’s the tree scenes, it’s really imply the following things, it seems like the tree will be part of the important objects on the film. Then the scene’s color changed from the color and more blue into the following scene was in silence the still body of a 13-year-old girl ,Cecelia floats in the pink bath water, stares past us. It straights to the main theme for the movie, ‘suicide’. It used Point of view,
A clue will be following the conversation between a doctor and Cecilia. In the scene, Doctor said:” What are you doing here,, honey? You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets…” Cecilia looks at him, :” Obviously, Doctor, you’ve never been a thirteen-year-old girl.” That seems like given out some hints, and some answers for the ‘Virgin Suicide’. She‘s the youngest daughter from Lisbon, and first suicide in the family.
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Throughout these two films, the features of Sofia Coppola is much more direct with detail, throughout music, character’s close up ,mood to show how the main character’s feeling and much more into audience mind.
Normally, female do things carefully, and prudent. The movie used meticulous within the movies. It’s taking and telling story throughout character’s mood, movement, thoughts, to tell the audiences what have been talked through the movie.
Question 2:
Analyze the main themes of this movie.
According to the title of the movie, we kind of know get the idea about the movie’s theme, which is ‘ Suicide’. It represents the issue in American.
In the beginning of the movie, the main character ( Lux ) show up ,stand on the street of Town, eating her ice block looking around, looks like doesn’t care about everything at all, lost mind , the camera just like a real mind, hopes, but Lux staring around the other side but camera. It seems like she kind of lost mind, lost interest about life, hopeless. After a few shots about the small town ‘s people life style, Sofia Coppola used color then straight turn to blue color scenes, which give audiences cold ,and unhappy moment feeling. The scenes shows the Lisbon house’s set up,
The title begins as we tilt up past Elm leaves to a dreamy cloud filled blue sky:” THE VIRGIN SUICIDES.’’ Through the clouds we see the faint image of a pretty blonde girl’s (Lux) face as she winks at the camera. It given out the idea, Cecilia is not the only daughter from Lisbon want to suicide. It leads audiences mind, consider in the beginning of the movie, Lux will die the next. And throughout the beginning of the movie, we were all thinking how many teenagers girl form Mr Lisbon’ family will die later.
Then a little clues about why the 5 beautiful sisters choose to suicide instead of living which shows out the beginning of the movie and the end of the movie.
In the beginning of the movie, in a quite hospital room, a short conversation between the doctor and Cecilia. < style="">The doctor:” :” What are you doing here,, honey? You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets…” Cecilia looks at him, :” Obviously, Doctor, you’ve never been a thirteen-year-old girl.” > It’s the important clue, theme to show up why Cecelia chose to suicide. At the end of the movie, after the rest of 4 sisters from Lisbon all chose to suicide. In the backyard, under the party glow of lanterns a drunk man,
It remains unclear whom the narrative chorus is addressing. Though it sometimes seems as though the mourners have collected all their memorabilia and conducted their interviews for some official purpose, this is never made clear. In their attempt to understand who Lisbon girls were and why they committed suicide, they never find a truly satisfying answer. But the entire novel, meanwhile paints a poignantly sharp and critical portrait of the suburban American life experienced by the baby boom generation. < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Virgin_Suicides>